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Tech Brands Pronounced Wrong and How to Say Them Correctly: Asus, Xiaomi, Huawei, and Nokia - News18

Last Updated: February 07, 2017, 11:16 IST

It's not at all about the accent, it all has to do with how you roll your tongue in pronouncing names that are foreign. So many tech companies that have entered India in the recent years have names that are confusing to the letter T and some of them are literally tongue twisters.

At News18 Tech we have heard it all, though we are really put off at times when people refer to Apple Watch as iWatch, what really puts us off is when people pronounce names of these companies wrongly. Here's a list of 10 companies whose names many pronounce wrongly and we also try to help you in how to pronounce them.

1. Huawei

This is a brand name that everyone around the world gets wrong. There are so many different versions of pronunciation, of Huawei. In India most of the people pronounce it as "HOO-ah-way" or "who-Wi" or "uaah-way".

The right way to pronounce Huawei is "Wah-Way."

2. Xiaomi

This is the second most mispronounced brand in the world. Xiaomi in India is pronounced by many as "Zhaio-mi" or "X-omi".

According to ex-Xiaomi sensation Hugo Barra, the best way to pronounce Xiaomi is 'show me'. But in reality the first syllable is more "Shio" than "Show,". So the right way to pronounce Xiaomi is "Shio-me"

3. Qi

Qi charging is the most prominent wireless charging standard in the world for charging a phone's battery. If you have watched those Chinese action flicks dubbed in Hindi, you might be familiar with the Chinese world for energy flow - 'Chee'.

Qi is pronounced just like that- 'Chee', contrary to popular belief that it's pronounced as "Key" or "Q-eye".

4. Asus

The Taiwanese company known for making some amazing personal tech devices is often mispronounced in India as well. Everyone you talk to pronounces Asus differently. The company claims the correct way to say its name is "AY-soos". They even made a music video about it to make you remember how it's pronounced.

5. Nokia

Who would have thought that Nokia would have featured in this list? But contrary to popular belief this brand is butchered too, unknowingly by folks around you. Nokia is mostly pronounced in India as "NO-kiya".

But the right way to say Nokia is "NAW-kee-ya."

Let us know in the comments below about other tech brands that are pronounced incorrectly by your friends.


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Author: Dr. Brian Black DDS

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Name: Dr. Brian Black DDS

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Brian Black DDS, I am a treasured, unreserved, strong-willed, forthright, risk-taking, valuable, striking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.