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Launching keywords, TextUs offers automated SMS response

TextUs Launches Keywords, Provides Automated SMS Response Capabilities to Texting Platform

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TextUs announces the addition of Keywords, allowing users to utilize automated text responses and simplify opt-ins using predefined SMS keywords

VIDEO: How to Use Keywords

TextUs recently announced Keywords, its latest feature functionality that will allow users to drive higher SMS response rates through use of automated keywords.

The release of this feature has come from a growing demand from customers that want to drive efficiency and engagement at scale by automating common responses through use of specific keywords.  Use cases for keyword automation are growing as companies look for ways to better engage with customers, candidates, employees, vendors and more.  Keywords offer an easy way to simplify opt-ins and grow contact lists via text messaging.   Additionally, users are able to create auto responses for common questions to increase team efficiency.

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TextUs Keywords essential features include:

  • Unlimited keywords: Users can create an unlimited number of keyword triggers and paired auto responses to be used in a variety of ways across messaging accounts.
  • Auto responses: Users are able to craft engaging auto responses using texting templates, rich media such as images and videos, or personalized messages.
  • Keyword-driven contact groups: When a person texts in a keyword, they will be automatically added to a contact group that can be used for future campaigns.

“We’re excited to bring Keywords to market as we look to offer a more robust automation suite alongside conversational and campaign text messaging capabilities,” notes Doug Render, SVP of Product at TextUs. “TextUs is designed to help organizations be more efficient and Keywords is a major step in helping them accomplish that.  It will help businesses streamline their operations and increase the impact of their SMS channel.”

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Author: Audrey Gallegos

Last Updated: 1703732041

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Name: Audrey Gallegos

Birthday: 2019-03-02

Address: 012 Richard Road, North Howard, AZ 22095

Phone: +3614977649520711

Job: Nurse

Hobby: Cross-Stitching, Photography, Amateur Radio, Raspberry Pi, Gardening, Coffee Roasting, Video Editing

Introduction: My name is Audrey Gallegos, I am a artistic, audacious, dedicated, striking, steadfast, enterprising, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.